Editor-in-Ch Dale Jennin Editorial Bo Eve Ellore James Whitn Ann Carll Re David L. Free Contributing E Donald Webster Martin Bloc Don Slater



post office box 5716 los angeles 55, californic

ONE is a non-profit corporation formed to publish a magazine dealing primarily with homosexuality from the scientific, historical and critical point of view... to sponsor educational programs, lectures and concerts for the aid and benefit of social variants and to promote among the general public an interest, knowledge and understanding of the problems of variation... to sponsor research and promote the integration into society of such persons whose behavior and inclinations vary from the current moral and social standards.

Realizing that our own ways are not humanly inevitable nor God-ordained, but are the fruit of a long and turbulent history, we may well examine in turn all of our institutions, thrown into strong relief against the history of other civilizations, and weighing them in the balance, be not afraid to find them wanting.

Margaret Mead in "Coming of Age in Samoa"